This plugin automatically copies images, videos, documents, and any other media added through WordPress' media uploader to Amazon S3, DigitalOcean Spaces or Google Cloud Storage. It then automatically replaces the URL to each media file with their respective Amazon S3, DigitalOcean Spaces or Google Cloud Storage URL or, if you have configured Amazon CloudFront or some other CDN with or without a custom domain, that URL instead. Image thumbnails are besides copied to the bucket and delivered through the right remote URL.

Uploading files directly to your Amazon S3, DigitalOcean Spaces or Google Deject Storage account is not currently supported by this plugin. They are uploaded to your server first, and so copied to the saucepan. At that place is an pick to automatically remove the files from your server once they are copied to the bucket nevertheless.

If you lot're calculation this plugin to a site that'southward been around for a while, your existing media files volition non be copied to or served from Amazon S3, DigitalOcean Spaces or Google Deject Storage. Only newly uploaded files will be copied to and served from the bucket. The pro upgrade has an upload tool to handle existing media files.

Epitome Optimization

Although WP Offload Media doesn't include image optimization features, we piece of work closely with the author of EWWW Image Optimizer to ensure they always work well together. Non but do we recommend EWWW Image Optimizer but nosotros officially support its integration with WP Offload Media.

PRO Upgrade with Email Support and More Features

  • Upload existing Media Library to Amazon S3, DigitalOcean Spaces or Google Cloud Storage
  • Control offloaded files from the Media Library
  • Assets Pull addon – Serve your CSS, JS and fonts via CloudFront or some other CDN
  • WooCommerce integration
  • Like shooting fish in a barrel Digital Downloads integration
  • Priority email support

Compare pro vs free →

The video below runs through the pro upgrade features…

  1. Install this plugin using WordPress' born installer
  2. Admission the Offload Media option nether Settings
  3. Follow the instructions to set up your AWS or DigitalOcean admission keys and configure

Cheque out the Quick Start Guide for more information on configuring WP Offload Media.

What are the minimum requirements?

Yous tin run into the minimum requirements hither.

Do you lot offer email support?

If you lot upgrade to the pro version of WP Offload Media, we will gladly provide you with email support. We take pride in delivering exceptional customer support. We do non provide email support for the free version.

Been using this plugin for two websites without issue. The official setup guide is very detailed. Serving images with S3 and CDN makes both websites load much faster. No longer need to save images locally.

Cheers.. Works like a charm!

This is an awesome plugin that connects WP media library to your own cloud storage service. Those space hogging files now tin go somewhere else and you gain back the precious infinite on your main web server. After some configuration work to ready things upwardly, information technology works like a charm. Plugin UI is easy to sympathize and comes with expert amount of didactics to guide you through configurations. I'm looking into their commercial version every bit well.

We use the plugin for offloading our media to GCS so we can evangelize the images via Google's CDN. It works flawlessly. Thanks for creating such a handy plugin!

Didn't take long and I got information technology working well with Buddypress using Amazon S3 and Cloudfront CDN. Thank you for this plugin! Looking into the premium features now!

I'chiliad all about making a WordPress installation equally calorie-free as possible. This plugins always makes me smiling as I'm able to offload all my media files to another service and continue my server almost intact. I've never run into problems with this plugin. I'chiliad also using SpinupWP for my sites because you can e'er trust something developed past Delicious Brains.


WP Offload Media Lite for Amazon S3, DigitalOcean Spaces, and Google Cloud Storage はオープンソースソフトウェアです。以下の人々がこのプラグインに貢献しています。


WP Offload Media Low-cal ii.6.ii – 2022-04-04

  • Bug set up: Upgrade routine no longer risks breaking items when external object cache is in use

WP Offload Media Low-cal 2.6.1 – 2022-03-21

  • Bug set: Local files are no longer removed if as3cf_pre_upload_attachment filter is used to abort upload

WP Offload Media Lite 2.half dozen – 2022-03-09

  • Release Summary Blog Post
  • New: WP Offload Media is now uniform with WordPress v.9 and Total Site Editing
  • Improvement: Offloaded thumbnail sizes are now tracked for improve treatment of changes to registered sizes
  • Improvement: Offloads and other storage provider deportment are faster
  • Bug set: URL rewriting at present works in the Full Site Editor
  • Bug prepare: Offloaded images are now shown when re-editing a Block Template or Template Part
  • Bug ready: URL rewriting now works for Widgets migrated to a Widget Sidebar Cake
  • Bug prepare: Objects are no longer left in the bucket when deleting a Media Library item with many changes to its thumbnail sizes

WP Offload Media Calorie-free two.5.5 – 2021-07-19

  • Bug fix: Signed GCS URLs broken when updating a post
  • Bug ready: Incorrect mime blazon set on scaled prototype'southward bucket object when thumbnail format differs from original file'southward format
  • Tested: WordPress 5.8

WP Offload Media Lite 2.5.3 – 2021-03-03

  • New: Added DigitalOcean region San Francisco 3
  • Bug fix: Domain mapping not handled correctly when the local URL includes a port number
  • Bug fix: In some unusual configurations the upgrade routine uses incorrect name for multisite blogs table
  • Tested: WordPress

WP Offload Media Light 2.5.2 – 2020-12-14

  • New: AWS PHP SDK iii.168.0
  • New: Google Deject Storage SDK 1.23.0
  • Improvement: Faster saving of posts with many external links
  • Improvement: Faster URL rewriting when Strength HTTPS setting is being used but is non needed
  • Bug fix: PHP Fatal error on the settings page when using PHP 8.0

WP Offload Media Lite – 2020-11-25

  • New: WordPress 5.6 compatible
  • New: PHP 8.0 compatible
  • Bug set up: Unexpectedly asked to select bucket afterward saving settings when legacy admission key named constants defined
  • Bug fix: srcset missing for some images
  • Bug prepare: Mistake saving particular during Metadata upgrade in some cases

WP Offload Media Lite 2.5 – 2020-xi-11

  • Release Summary Web log Post
  • Improvement: Error notice shown when plugin'southward required custom table(s) missing
  • Improvement: Diagnostic Info shows condition of plugin's required custom tables
  • Problems fix: wp_get_original_image_path function does not return provider URL when local files removed
  • Problems prepare: File missing notices recorded in debug.log when regenerating thumbnails and Remove Files From Server turned on

WP Offload Media Light 2.4.4 – 2020-09-08

  • Improvement: Updated AWS PHP SDK to v3.151.half dozen
  • Issues fix: Files for duplicate thumbnail sizes not removed from server afterwards initial offload
  • Issues fix: PHP Fatal error: Class 'DeliciousBrains\WP_Offload_Media\Aws3\Symfony\Polyfill\Intl\Idn\Idn' not establish
  • Bug fix: PHP Recoverable fatal mistake: Object of grade WP_Error could not be converted to string in …/wp-includes/post.php on line 504
  • Bug fix: PHP message: PHP Warning: is_readable(): open_basedir restriction in outcome
  • Bug prepare: URLs not rewritten for RSS feed enclosures

WP Offload Media Lite 2.iv.3 – 2020-09-01

  • Improvement: Updated AWS PHP SDK to v3.151.3
  • Bug set: PHP Fatal error: Grade 'DeliciousBrains\WP_Offload_Media\Aws3\Symfony\Polyfill\Intl\Idn\Idn' not institute

WP Offload Media Light 2.4.ii – 2020-08-27

  • Improvement: Updated AWS PHP SDK to v3.150.ane
  • Bug gear up: Epitome thumbnail URLs in custom HTML non rewritten to delivery provider URLs
  • Issues set up: Groundwork processes do not start when PHP retention limit in gigabytes
  • Bug ready: PHP Fatal fault: require(): Failed opening required '…/vendor/Aws3/Aws/Sts/StsClient.php'
  • Bug ready: AWS SDK "Warning: is_readable(): open_basedir restriction in effect" message from Regional Endpoint check
  • Bug fix: Bottom and right button borders in settings page are clipped when focused

WP Offload Media Lite 2.four.i – 2020-07-21

  • Issues fix: Fatal Error with EWWW Image Optimizer five.5 or earlier installed
  • Bug ready: AWS SDK "Warning: is_readable(): open_basedir restriction in upshot" bulletin when Use ARN Region in consequence
  • Bug fix: "Data you have entered may non be saved" notice shown incorrectly when leaving settings folio

WP Offload Media Lite 2.4 – 2020-07-14

  • Release Summary Blog Post
  • New: Setting to choose a Commitment Provider (i.eastward. S3, CloudFront, some other CDN)
  • New: Support for Block All Public Access setting on S3 buckets
  • New: Raw S3 URLs utilise bucket in domain rather than path where possible as per changes required by AWS
  • New: Raw S3 URLs employ dot rather than nuance between s3 and region name as per changes required by AWS
  • New: Added S3 regions for Africa (Cape Town), Asia Pacific (Hong Kong), EU (Milan), EU (Stockholm), and Heart Due east (Bahrain)
  • New: Added GCS regions for Salt Lake City, Las Vegas, Zürich, Osaka, Seoul, EUR4 (dual-region), and NAM4 (dual-region)
  • Improvement: Updated AWS PHP SDK to v3.133.40
  • Improvement: Updated Google Cloud Storage SDK to v1.eighteen.0
  • Comeback: S3 regions for China no longer hidden (configuration via AWS Console still required)
  • Problems fix: Private images not showing in grid mode Media page overlay
  • Bug gear up: Public epitome thumbnails not showing in grid mode Media page when original is private
  • Bug fix: URL rewriting sometimes fails for sites hosted on Windows
  • Bug prepare: URL rewrite fails for image when original upload has size in file name
  • Issues fix: External URLs rewritten to local URLs when they shouldn't
  • Issues fix: StreamWrappers don't work with private buckets
  • Bug fix: Database mistake when inserting media library particular and using HyperDB
  • Issues prepare: S3 bucket link in settings no longer goes directly to bucket contents
  • Problems gear up: New uploads slow with very big Media Library
  • Bug gear up: Migration to custom table very tiresome with large postmeta tables
  • Issues gear up: Signed GCS URLs have wrong expires value
  • Bug fix: The use-server-roles AS3CF_SETTINGS value is not properly reflected in Diagnostic Info
  • Problems fix: Unknown column '2019/12/some-file-name.pdf' in 'where clause' when using managed MySQL on DigitalOcean
  • Bug fix: WordPress database error Expression #ane of ORDER BY clause is non in SELECT listing when using MySQL8
  • Bug fix: WordPress forces HTTP in Edit Media folio if site is not HTTPS, breaking remote URLs that require HTTPS
  • Tested: WordPress 5.five

WP Offload Media Lite two.iii.ii – 2019-12-09

  • Improvement: Reduced database queries when external object enshroud available
  • Bug fix: Uncaught Fault: Call to undefined office DeliciousBrains\WP_Offload_Media\Gcp\GuzzleHttp\choose_handler()
  • Problems gear up: SVG files not automatically offloaded
  • Tested: PHP 7.4

WP Offload Media Lite 2.three.ane – 2019-11-19

  • Bug fix: Uncaught Mistake: Cannot employ object of blazon Media_Library_Item as array in wp-includes/media.php:217
  • Issues fix: Paradigm not automatically offloaded if subsizes not expected

WP Offload Media Calorie-free ii.3 – 2019-11-12

  • Release Summary Blog Postal service
  • New: Upgrade routine to migrate offload information to custom table
  • New: Support for inverse Media Library upload process introduced with WordPress 5.3
  • New: Support for new "-scaled" and "-rotated" images introduced with WordPress v.iii
  • New: Support for customizer changes introduced with WordPress five.3
  • New: Offload new "original_image" file introduced with WordPress v.3
  • Improvement: Performance boost during both folio display and save
  • Comeback: Better detection of offloaded media URLs during folio display
  • Bug ready: New Media Library upload given same local file name as offloaded and removed file after Remove Files From Server turned off
  • Issues prepare: PHP message: PHP Deprecated: strpos(): Not-string needles will exist interpreted as strings in the hereafter

WP Offload Media Lite two.2.1 – 2019-07-eighteen

  • Improvement: Menu option and settings page title now include "Lite"
  • Improvement: Remove Files From Server pick at present warns about media backups when switched on
  • Bug fix: Undefined index in file amazon-s3-and-cloudfront/classes/filters/as3cf-local-to-s3.php at line 286

WP Offload Media Light two.two – 2019-06-10

  • Release Summary Weblog Post
  • New: Utilize IAM Roles without having to update wp-config.php
  • New: Frankfurt (FRA1) region at present supported on DigitalOcean Spaces
  • Improvement: WP dashboard performance
  • Bug fix: Uploaded media files with uppercase extensions become 2d extension added

WP Offload Media Low-cal – 2019-04-29

  • New: Multisite domain mapping via WordPress MU Domain Mapping plugin is at present supported
  • Comeback: Local to Provider content filtering functioning improvements
  • Improvement: Warning notice shown when irresolute storage provider and media already offloaded
  • Problems fix: Media championship not retaining characters stripped from filename
  • Bug ready: Alarm: is_readable(): open_basedir brake in effect. File(~/.aws/config) is not within the allowed path(s)
  • Bug ready: Fatal error when GCS Key File not accessible
  • Bug fix: Non-prototype offloads on subsites with four digit IDs get duplicate subsite ID in bucket path
  • Bug fix: No srcset added to img tag if filename includes not-ASCII characters
  • Issues prepare: Full size paradigm URL saved to img tag src attribute when thumbnail picked if filename includes non-ASCII characters

WP Offload Media Calorie-free 2.1 – 2019-03-05

  • Release Summary Weblog Postal service
  • New: Google Cloud Storage is at present supported
  • Improvement: AWS PHP SDK updated
  • Comeback: Diagnostic Info shows more than complete settings information
  • Bug set: Year/Month path prefix incorrectly set in bucket for non-paradigm media files
  • Problems fix: PHP Fatal fault: Form 'XMLWriter' not establish
  • Issues set up: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Telephone call to undefined method …\Aws3\Aws\S3\Exception\S3Exception::search() in …/classes/providers/aws-provider.php:439
  • Bug ready: PHP Warning: filesize(): stat failed for [file-path] in classes/amazon-s3-and-cloudfront.php on line 1309

WP Offload Media Low-cal 2.0.i – 2018-12-17

  • Improvement: Streamlined UI for setting Storage Provider and Saucepan
  • Bug fix: On/Off switches in settings look reversed
  • Bug fix: Latest upgrade routine runs on fresh install
  • Bug prepare: Defined settings still plant in database
  • Bug gear up: More Info links in Storage Provider settings incorrect
  • Tested: WordPress v.0

WP Offload Media Lite two.0 – 2018-09-24

  • Release Summary Weblog Mail service
  • New: DigitalOcean Spaces is now supported
  • New: Plugin name updated from WP Offload S3 Lite to WP Offload Media Light
  • Improvement: More logical UI layout and meliorate description of each setting

WP Offload S3 Lite 1.4.3 – 2018-08-02

  • Bug gear up: Images remotely edited via stream wrapper sometimes set as private on S3

WP Offload S3 Lite 1.4.2 – 2018-07-03

  • Bug fix: Error getting saucepan region
  • Bug fix: Kid themes with missing or cleaved style.css suspension diagnostic info

WP Offload S3 Lite – 2018-06-21

  • Bug set up: Incorrect filesize saved to metadata when image removed from local server

WP Offload S3 Lite 1.4 – 2018-06-12

  • New: Using AWS PHP SDK v3
  • New: Requires PHP 5.v+
  • Comeback: Supported AWS S3 regions updated and names inverse to match current AWS classification
  • Problems fix: PHP Alert: Announcement of AS3CF_Stream_Wrapper::annals should be compatible with Aws\S3\StreamWrapper::register
  • Bug ready: File size non stored in _wp_attachment_metadata for audio/video files
  • Bug fix: Image srcset uses full size prototype if metadata size is stored equally string
  • Bug fix: PHP Warning: preg_match() expects parameter two to exist string, array given
  • Bug fix: SQL syntax fault when using attachment_url_to_postid() with not-ascii file name
  • Tested: WordPress 4.9.half dozen
  • Tested: Gutenberg 3.0

WP Offload S3 Lite one.3.2 – 2018-02-22

  • Bug fix: Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Phone call to undefined method Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader::setClassMapAuthoritative()
  • Problems ready: AWS keys stored in database past Amazon Web Services plugin are not being migrated to new settings tape
  • Bug fix: Detect in settings page that Amazon Web Services plugin no longer required is non being shown when Amazon Spider web Services active

WP Offload S3 Lite i.iii.1 – 2018-02-20

  • Bug fix: Fatal error in stream wrapper setup when AWS Keys not ready

WP Offload S3 Calorie-free one.3 – 2018-02-xx

  • Release Summary Blog Post
  • New: Amazon Web Services plugin is no longer required to run WP Offload S3 Low-cal
  • New: Added as3cf_local_domains filter for when site content is updated through multiple domains
  • Improvement: AWS keys tin exist set in new "Settings" tab if not defined in wp-config.php
  • Improvement: Modest tweaks to settings page UI including right adjustment tabs and consistent title across Lite and Pro plugins
  • Comeback: scroll version, theme version and parent theme information added to diagnostics
  • Issues gear up: Incompatible with plugins that include AWS PHP SDK v3
  • Bug ready: Regenerate Thumbnails v3.0+ does not work with Remove Files From Server choice
  • Bug set: "Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable" error with PHP seven.2
  • Problems ready: Forcefulness HTTPS not beingness applied to non-srcset S3 URLs in pages served over HTTP
  • Bug set up: Content URLs not filtered to S3 URLs if AWS keys not set
  • Bug set up: URL preview can exist coerced to display invalid URL
  • Bug fix: Changes to upload fabricated via as3cf_object_meta filter are non reflected in amazonS3_info records
  • Problems fix: Settings link not showing in network admin plugins folio
  • Bug set: License in composer.json fails Packagist validation

WP Offload S3 Lite one.2.i – 2017-11-twenty

  • New: Compatibility with HTML Widget
  • New: Dismissible admin discover that WP Offload S3 Lite will before long crave PHP 5.5+
  • Improvement: Compatibility with WordPress 4.ix
  • Bug fix: Incorrect region used when irresolute bucket by defining it in WPOS3_SETTINGS
  • Bug fix: Media library notices render inside the upload tool
  • Bug fix: Save notices disappear on settings page
  • Bug set up: Improper use of jQuery.attr logged to browser console
  • Issues fix: "Content Filtering Upgrade" URL in find incorrect
  • Issues gear up: "More info" links tin exist broken beyond two lines

WP Offload S3 Lite 1.2 – 2017-06-19

  • New: Compatibility with WordPress 4.eight
  • New: Support for WP CLI wp media regenerate
  • Improvement: Intermediate paradigm sizes are now passed through the as3cf_object_meta filter
  • Improvement: Content filtering cache now uses the external object when available
  • Bug fix: Timeouts on large multisite installs due to excessive database queries on upgrade routines
  • Bug fix: Video files with private ACL non working with WordPress's default media player
  • Bug fix: Saucepan permissions cheque non using configured path
  • Issues set: WordPress image editor sometimes shows a 404 when 'Remove Files From Server' enabled
  • Bug fix: Discover: Undefined index: region

WP Offload S3 Low-cal i.i.6 – 2017-03-13

  • New: Compatibility with Advanced Custom Fields
  • New: as3cf_filter_post_local_to_s3 and as3cf_filter_post_s3_to_local filters added for filtering S3 URLs in custom content
  • Improvement: Ensure files uploaded using media_handle_sideload have unique filename on S3 when 'Remove Files From Server' enabled
  • Bug prepare: Files uploaded to S3 with empty filenames when the filename started with non-latin characters
  • Bug set up: Sound files with private ACL non working with WordPress's default media player
  • Bug fix: S3 API version not passed to S3 customer
  • Bug fix: Content added to text widgets via the Customizer not saved
  • Bug fix: Original file not removed locally when cropped via the Customizer and 'Remove Files From Server' enabled
  • Bug fix: Incorrect Media Library URLs saved to the database when WordPress installed in a subdirectory

WP Offload S3 Low-cal 1.1.5 – 2017-01-12

  • Improvement: Filter custom CSS – S3 URLs will no longer be saved to the database
  • Issues set: PDF previews have incorrect MIME type
  • Bug fix: Original PDF not removed from S3 on attachment delete when image previews exist

WP Offload S3 Calorie-free – 2016-12-xiii

  • New: Upgrade routine to supplant all S3 URLs in mail excerpts with local URLs
  • Improvement: Operation improvements
  • Comeback: Allow expires fourth dimension to be filtered for private content using the as3cf_expires filter
  • Bug set: Image srcset not correctly applied when file names contain special characters

WP Offload S3 Lite i.1.3 – 2016-11-28

  • Bug prepare: Individual URL signing params stripped in some circumstances
  • Improvement: Performance improvements for URL filtering, especially on large sites

WP Offload S3 Calorie-free 1.1.2 – 2016-11-02

  • Improvement: Better content filtering support for tertiary political party plugins and themes
  • Bug fix: PHP Warning: Division by zero

WP Offload S3 Lite 1.ane.1 – 2016-ten-17

  • New: Filter mail excerpts – S3 URLs volition no longer exist saved to the database
  • Bug fix: PHP five.3 Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context
  • Bug fix: Query string parameters incorrectly encoded for Media Library items

WP Offload S3 Lite 1.1 – 2016-09-29

  • New: Filter post content. S3 URLs volition no longer be saved to the database
  • New: Upgrade routine to supersede all S3 URLs in content with local URLs
  • New: Support for theme custom logos
  • New: Control the ACL for intermediate prototype sizes using the as3cf_upload_acl_sizes filter
  • Issues fix: File names containing special characters double encoded
  • Bug prepare: srcset not working for file names containing special characters
  • Issues gear up: Incorrect placeholder text for 'Path' option
  • Issues ready: Objects in root of bucket not deleted when removed from the Media Library
  • Bug fix: No longer use deprecated functions in WordPress four.6
  • Bug fix: Don't delete local file when 'Remove Files From Server' enabled and upload to S3 fails

WP Offload S3 Lite 1.0.5 – 2016-09-01

  • New: Compatibility with WordPress 4.6
  • Comeback: No longer delete plugin data on uninstall. Manual removal possible, as per this doctor

WP Offload S3 Lite 1.0.four – 2016-05-30

  • New: At present using simpler Force HTTPS setting, removed redundant E'er Apply HTTP setting
  • New: as3cf_cloudfront_path_parts filter allows changing served CloudFront path (useful when distribution pulls subdirectory)
  • Improvement: Better compatibility with not-standard notices from other plugins and themes
  • Improvement: Added basic auth and proxy info to diagnostic info
  • Improvement: Added allow_url_fopen status to diagnostic info
  • Improvement: Added memory usage to diagnostic info
  • Improvement: Ensure notice text is 800px or less in width
  • Improvement: Reduced database queries on settings screen
  • Problems fix: Properly handle _wp_attachment_data metadata when information technology is a serialized WP_Error

WP Offload S3 Calorie-free 1.0.three – 2016-03-23

  • Bug fix: Don't supercede srcset URLs when Rewrite File URLs choice disabled
  • Bug fix: Fatal mistake: Cannot redeclare as3cf_get_secure_attachment_url()

WP Offload S3 Light 1.0.two – 2016-03-08

  • Problems set up: Uninstall would run even if pro plugin installed

WP Offload S3 Lite ane.0.1 – 2016-03-08

  • Issues fix: Fatal error on plugin activation
  • Problems prepare: Unable to activate Pro upgrade

WP Offload S3 Light 1.0 – 2016-03-07

  • New: Plugin renamed to "WP Offload S3 Calorie-free"
  • New: Define any and all settings with a constant in wp-config.php
  • New: Documentation links for each setting
  • Improvement: Simplified domain setting UI
  • Improvement: Far futurity expiration header set by default
  • Improvement: Newly created bucket now immediately appears in the bucket listing
  • Improvement: Cleanup user meta on uninstall
  • Comeback: WP Retina 2x integration removed
  • Bug prepare: Yr/Calendar month folder structure on S3 non created if the 'Organise my uploads into calendar month and yr-based folders' WordPress setting is disabled
  • Bug fix: Responsive srcset PHP notices
  • Bug fix: Compatibility addon notices displayed to non-admin users
  • Bug gear up: Potential PHP fatal error in MySQL version check in diagnostic log
  • Issues fix: Missing image library notices displaying before plugin is setup

WP Offload S3 0.9.12 – 2016-02-03

  • Improvement: Compatibility with WP Offload S3 Avails 1.1
  • Problems fix: Object versioned responsive images in mail service content non working when served from S3 on WordPress 4.4+

WP Offload S3 0.nine.11 – 2015-12-19

  • Issues set up: Responsive images in mail content not working when served from S3
  • Bug fix: Responsive images using wrong image size when there are multiple images with the same width

WP Offload S3 0.9.10 – 2015-11-26

  • Improvement: Support for responsive images in WP 4.4
  • Bug fix: Wrong file path for intermediate prototype size files uploaded to S3 with no prefix
  • Bug set: Thumbnail previews render 404 error during image edit screen due to character encoding

WP Offload S3 0.ix.9 – 2015-11-12

  • Improvement: Improve wording of compatibility notices
  • Improvement: Compatibility with Easy Digital Downloads 1.0.1 and WooCommerce 1.0.3 addons
  • Improvement: Better determine bachelor retention for groundwork processes
  • Issues fix: URL previews incorrect due to stripping / characters
  • Bug fix: PHP Warning: stream_wrapper_register(): Protocol s3:// is already defined
  • Bug ready: PHP Fatal error: Phone call to undefined method WP_Error::get()

WP Offload S3 0.9.8 – 2015-eleven-02

  • Issues fix: Attachment URLs containing query string parameters incorrectly encoded

WP Offload S3 0.9.7 – 2015-10-26

  • Comeback: Meliorate compatibility with third political party plugins when the Remove Files From Server selection is enabled
  • Comeback: Ready inconsistent spacing on the WP Offload S3 settings screen
  • Improvement: Validate CloudFront or custom domain input field
  • Improvement: Link to current S3 bucket added to WP Offload S3 settings screen
  • Improvement: Show discover when neither GD or Imagick image libraries are not installed
  • Improvement: Supply Enshroud-Control header to S3 when the Far Futurity Expiration Header option is enabled
  • Improvement: Additional data added to Diagnostic Information
  • Comeback: Added warning when Remove Files From Server choice is enabled
  • Improvement: Filter added to allow additional prototype versions to be uploaded to S3
  • Bug fix: File size not stored in wp_attachment_metadata when Remove Files From Server option is enabled
  • Bug prepare: Uploads on Multisite installs immune subsequently surpassing upload limit
  • Issues prepare: Site icon in WordPress customizer returns 404
  • Issues ready: Paradigm versions remain locally and on S3 after deletion, when the file name contains characters which require escaping
  • Bug ready: Files with the same file proper noun overwritten when __Remove Files From Server_ choice is enabled
  • Bug fix: Cron tasks incorrectly scheduled due to passing the wrong fourth dimension to wp_schedule_event
  • Bug fix: Default options not shown in the UI after start install

WP Offload S3 0.9.6 – 2015-10-01

  • Improvement: Update text domains for integration

WP Offload S3 0.9.5 – 2015-09-01

  • Bug prepare: Fatal fault: Cannot utilise object of type WP_Error as array

WP Offload S3 0.9.4 – 2015-08-27

  • New: Update all existing attachments with missing file sizes when the 'Remove Files From Server' option is enabled (automatically runs in the groundwork)
  • Improvement: Show when constants are used to gear up bucket and region options
  • Comeback: Don't show compatibility notices on plugin update screen
  • Improvement: On Multisite installs don't call restore_current_blog() on successive loop iterations
  • Bug fix: 'Error getting URL preview' alert shown when enter central pressed on settings screen
  • Issues set up: Unable to crop header images when the 'Remove Files From Server' option is enabled
  • Bug fix: Incorrect storage space shown on Multisite installs when the 'Remove Files From Server' choice is enabled
  • Problems fix: Upload attempted to non real bucket when defined by constant
  • Bug set up: 'SignatureDoesNotMatch' fault shown when using signed URLs with saucepan names containing '.' characters

WP Offload S3 0.9.3 – 2015-08-17

  • New: Pro upgrade sidebar
  • Issues fix: Create buckets in US standard region causing S3 URLs to 404 errors

WP Offload S3 0.9.2 – 2015-07-29

  • Problems ready: Accidentally released the sidebar for after we launch the pro version

WP Offload S3 0.9.ane – 2015-07-29

  • Improvement: Access denied sample IAM policy replaced with link to Quick Start Guide
  • Improvement: Access denied letters on bucket selection or bucket cosmos now link to Quick Starting time Guide
  • Comeback: Object expires fourth dimension tin now be filtered using the as3cf_object_meta filter
  • Bug fix: Mistake not ever shown when S3 saucepan inaccessible due to wrong permissions
  • Bug prepare: Permission checks fail when S3 bucket is in a not-default region and divers by AS3CF_BUCKET abiding
  • Issues fix: Restore as3cf_get_attached_file_copy_back_to_local filter
  • Problems fix: Image versions not uploaded to S3 when an edited image is restored
  • Issues set: Original image version non deleted from server when Remove Files From Server option enabled
  • Problems fix: Media library items with non-ascii characters in the file proper noun are not removed from S3
  • Bug set: Compatibility notices shown on plugin install pages
  • Bug set: WordPress footer overlaps WP Offload S3 sidebar
  • Bug fix: Upon initial setup the settings inverse alert shows when no settings have inverse

WP Offload S3 0.9 – 2015-07-08

  • New: Plugin rebranded to WP Offload S3
  • New: Support tab added to Offload S3 screen containing diagnostic information
  • New: Compatibility with the Media Replace plugin
  • New: Select bucket region when creating a new bucket
  • New: Toggle switches redesigned
  • Improvement: Compatibility with release candidate of Pro plugin
  • Comeback: Instance IAM policy more secure
  • Improvement: Set default saucepan region using the AS3CF_REGION abiding
  • Comeback: Added as3cf_object_meta filter for developers
  • Improvement: Bucket option moved to modal window
  • Improvement: Don't allow saucepan names to contain invalid characters on creation
  • Improvement: More verbose error messages on bucket choice
  • Improvement: Settings link added to plugin row on Plugins screen
  • Improvement: Object versioning enabled past default
  • Improvement: Uninstall routines added
  • Comeback: JavaScript coding standards
  • Improvement: Cache result when checking S3 bucket permissions
  • Bug prepare: Saucepan region errors effect in blank WP Offload S3 screen
  • Bug gear up: Editing an image when Remove Files From Server option is enabled results in error
  • Issues fix: Metadata upgrade procedure triggered on new installs
  • Problems set: File URLs when uploaded to a subdirectory consequence in incorrect S3 URLs
  • Issues gear up: Errors logged when trying to delete non-existent HiDPI images
  • Bug fix: SignatureDoesNotMatch errors on regions with v4 hallmark
  • Issues fix: Customizer background image not editable
  • Issues fix: Mistake when creating buckets with U.s. Standard region
  • Bug ready: Notices appearing incorrectly on some admin screens
  • Issues set up: Subsite upload paths repeated on multisite installs
  • Bug fix: Handle multisite installs where BLOG_ID_CURRENT_SITE is not i

WP Offload S3 0.8.2 – 2015-01-31

  • New: Input bucket in settings to avoid listing all buckets
  • New: Specify bucket with 'AS3CF_BUCKET' constant
  • Comeback: Compatibility with beta release of Pro plugin
  • Bug Fix: Incorrect file prefix in S3 permission check

WP Offload S3 0.8.1 – 2015-01-19

  • Bug Fix: Permission bug on installs running on EC2s
  • Bug Set: Blank settings page due to WP_Error on S3 permission bank check
  • Issues Prepare: Warning: strtolower() expects parameter 1 to be string, object given
  • Bug Set up: Region mail service meta update running on subsites of Multisite installs

WP Offload S3 0.8 – 2015-01-10

  • New: Redesigned settings UI
  • Improvement: SSL setting can be fully controlled, HTTPS for urls always, based on request or never
  • Improvement: Download files from S3 that are not institute on server when running Regenerate Thumbnails plugin
  • Improvement: When calling get_attached_file() and file is missing from server, return S3 URL
  • Comeback: Lawmaking cleanup to WordPress coding standards
  • Bug Ready: Files for all subsites going into the same S3 folder on multisite installs setup prior to WP 3.five
  • Bug Fix: 'attempting to access local file organisation' error for some installs

WP Offload S3 0.vii.ii – 2014-12-11

  • Bug: Some buckets in the EU region causing permission and HTTP errors
  • Bug: Undefined variable: message in view/error.php besides causing white screens

WP Offload S3 0.vii.1 – 2014-12-05

  • Bug: Read-simply mistake on settings page sometimes imitation positive

WP Offload S3 0.7 – 2014-12-04

  • New: Proper S3 region subdomain in URLs for buckets not in the United states Standard region (e.m. https://s3-the states-due…)
  • New: Update all existing attachment meta with bucket region (automatically runs in the background)
  • New: Get secure URL for different image sizes (iamzozo)
  • New: S3 bucket can be ready with constant in wp-config.php (dberube)
  • New: Filter for allowing/disallowing file types: as3cf_allowed_mime_types
  • New: Filter to abolish upload to S3 for any reason: as3cf_pre_update_attachment_metadata
  • New: Sidebar with email opt-in
  • Improvement: Show warning when S3 policy is read-just
  • Improvement: Tooltip added to clarify option
  • Improvement: Motility object versioning option to make information technology clear it does not crave CloudFront
  • Improvement: Past default merely let file types in get_allowed_mime_types() to exist uploaded to S3
  • Improvement: Compatibility with WPML Media plugin
  • Problems Prepare: Edited images not removed on S3 when restoring epitome and IMAGE_EDIT_OVERWRITE true
  • Bug Fix: File names with certain characters cleaved not working
  • Issues Prepare: Edited epitome uploaded to incorrect calendar month binder
  • Problems Fix: When creating a new bucket the bucket select box appears empty on success
  • Bug Fix: SSL not working in regions other than US Standard
  • Bug Set: 'Mistake uploading' and 'Error removing local file' messages when editing an image
  • Issues Fix: Upload and delete declining when bucket is non-US-region and bucket name contains dot
  • Issues Set up: S3 file overwritten when file with same name uploaded and local file removed (dataferret)
  • Bug Fix: Manually resized images not uploaded (gmauricio)

WP Offload S3 0.6.1 – 2013-09-21

  • download of Amazon Web Services plugin is giving a 404 Not Found, so directing people to download from Github instead

WP Offload S3 0.6 – 2013-09-20

  • Consummate rewrite
  • Now requires PHP 5.3.3+
  • Now requires the Amazon Web Services plugin which contains the latest PHP libraries from Amazon
  • Now works with multisite
  • New Option: Custom S3 object path
  • New Option: Always serve files over https (SSL)
  • New Option: Enable object versioning by appending a timestamp to the S3 file path
  • New Option: Remove uploaded file from local filesystem once it has been copied to S3
  • New Selection: Re-create any HiDPI (@2x) images to S3 (works with WP Retina 2x plugin)

WP Offload S3 0.five – 2013-01-29

  • Forked Amazon S3 for WordPress with CloudFront
  • Cleaned up the UI to fit with today'southward WP UI
  • Fixed issues causing error messages when WP_DEBUG is on
  • Delete files on S3 when deleting WP attachment
  • Added filter to the get_attachment_url function
  • Added part to become a temporary, secure download URL for private files