How to Know Which Dimension You Are in Minecraft

This article is about data pack contents. For other uses, come across Dimension.

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Dimensions are JSON files located in data packs that ascertain new dimensions for the game. These dimensions tin be accessed with /execute in <dimension> run teleport <coordinates>. Any dimensions are loaded once the world is opened, not on reload; then whatever change or addition to the file require the world to be restarted to apply, and not just running /reload.


  • i Usage
    • 1.1 Dimension syntax
      • 1.ane.1 Generator types
    • 1.ii Dimension type
      • i.2.1 Syntax
        • Defaults
  • 2 History
  • 3 Issues
  • 4 Notes

Usage [ ]

New dimensions are stored every bit JSON files within a data pack, at the path information/<namespace>/dimension/<name>.json.

Dimension syntax [ ]

  • The root tag.
    •  type: The namespaced ID of the dimension type. Tin can be preset minecraft:overworld, minecraft:overworld_caves, minecraft:the_nether, minecraft:the_end, or a custom dimension type (configure via JSON files, see dimension blazon department) .
    •  generator: Generation settings used for that dimension.
      •  blazon (string): The ID of the generator. minecraft: followed by flat, noise or debug.
      • Other compounds (see below)

Generator types [ ]

The format of the  generator chemical compound is dependent on the value of its generator ID, or  type.

When the generator ID type is minecraft:noise :

  •  generator: Generation settings used for the dimension.
    •  type: The ID of the generator (in this case, minecraft:noise).
    •  seed: The seed used to generate the dimension. In well-nigh cases, this is exactly the same as the world seed, only can be different and the dimension generated is based upon this seed and not the world seed.[ needs testing ]
    •  settings: The noise settings used in the terrain generator. Tin be set to a string to use a preset defined in the worldgen/noise_settings folder with a listing of customized options. See Custom earth generation#Noise settings for more information.
    •  biome_source: Settings dictating which biomes and biome shapes.
      •  type: The blazon of biome generation. Arguments lie in the biome_source compound. One of multi_noise, fixed, checkerboard, or the_end.
        • If type is multi_noise: 3D biome generation used in the nether, and in the overworld in snapshot 21w37a and after.[ needs testing ]
          •  preset: A preset of the set of biomes to be used, mutually sectional with  biomes. One of under or overworld.
          •  biomes: A list of biomes, including their target racket parameters.
            • : A biome and its properties
              •  biome: The biome. A single biome ID may be repeated several times with unlike parameters.
              •  parameters: Represent optimal conditions for where the biome should exist placed. These values exercise non affect the generation of terrain inside biomes, they affect where the game chooses to place biomes. At any specific betoken, the biome having parameters most closely resembling the corresponding parameter on each racket map at that betoken is chosen. For example, if the point were to have values of -i temperature, 0.2 humidity, 0.5 altitude and 0 weirdness then birch_forest_hills (-0.1t,0.2h,0.25a,0w) would be chosen over desert (0.5t,-0.5h,0a,0w). Parameter combinations should be unique in the biomes listing, otherwise simply the first biome entry will generate.
                •  temperature: Used to place like biomes almost each other. Not to exist confused with the temperature value listed on Biome.
                •  humidity: Used to identify similar biomes virtually each other.
                •  continentalness: Low continentalness corresponds to bounding main terrain, high continentalness to inlands terrain.
                •  erosion: In the overworld, high erosion corresponds to apartment terrain.
                •  weirdness: Used for biome rarity.[ verify ]
                •  depth: Used to generate cave biomes. This is the just parameter that tin can vary when moving vertically. A depth of 0 is at the surface, a depth of one is at 128 blocks below the surface.
                •  beginning: Similar to the other parameters but kickoff is 0 everywhere, thus setting this parameter nearer to 0 gives the biome a greater border over others, all else being equal. Increasing this makes the biome rarer, without altering the biome placement.
          •  min_quart_y: [ needs testing ]
          •  max_quart_y: [ needs testing ]
            •  firstOctave: The octave the kickoff amplitude in the list is associated with. Lower values make the whole amplitudes sequence bear upon lower frequencies (smoother). Incrementing it by one doubles the frequency of the base of operations octave.
            •  amplitudes: The amplitudes of consecutive octaves. Octaves further down the list have higher frequencies (double at each step). Higher octaves take intrinsically lower amplitudes in Perlin dissonance. This list farther modifies the amplitudes by making depression/high frequency features more or less pronounced. The resultant Perlin noise value at a sure coordinate is not only a simple sum of the independent components.[ verify ]
              • An amplitude. Setting one to 0 finer disables that frequency component.[ verify ]
          •  large_biomes: Whether the biomes are large. True for biomes generation in the "Big Biomes" world type.
          •  legacy_biome_init_layer: Whether the world was default_1_1.[ needs testing ]
        • If type is the_end: Biome generation used in the terminate with biome minecraft:the_end in the heart and other end biomes effectually.
        • If blazon is fixed: a single biome.
          •  biome: The single biome to generate.
        • If type is checkerboard: A biome generation in which biomes are square (or close to square) and repeat along the diagonals.
          •  biomes: A list of biomes that repeat along the diagonals (tin be more iii).
          •  scale: Determines the size of the squares on an exponential scale. Range: (0 to 62).

When the generator ID blazon is minecraft:apartment (used for Superflat globe generation):

  •  generator: Generation settings used for the dimension.
    •  type: The ID of the generator (in this instance, minecraft:flat).
    •  settings: Superflat settings.
      •  layers: Layer settings.
        • : A superflat layer. This list is interpreted from peak to lesser.
          •  height: The number of blocks in the layer.
          •  block: The block the layer is made of.
      •  biome: the single biome of the earth
      •  lakes (optional): Whether or not to generate lakes. If fix to truthful, then water and lava lakes generate often even in biomes where lakes don't normally generate. Lava lakes generate surrounded past different types of stone and ores from the overworld.
      •  features (optional): Whether or non to generate biome-specific decorations like trees, grass, flowers, cacti, etc.
      •  structures: Structure settings
        •  stronghold: Settings for how strongholds should be spawned. The stronghold values nether the structures tag appear to be placeholders so that every namespaced structure has a value; these values are the ones that really control stronghold spawning.
          •  distance: Controls how far apart the strongholds are. [ needs testing ]
          •  count: How many strongholds to generate. [ needs testing ]
          •  spread:[ needs testing ]
        •  structures: Listing of structures to use in this dimension
          •  <namespaced id>: The key for this field should be the namespaced ID of a structure, a list is available at Java Edition information value § Structures. If structures are not listed, it does not generate.
            •  spacing: Average distance betwixt two structure placement attempts of this type in chunks[annotation ane].
            •  separation: Minimum distance between two structures of this type in chunks. Must be less than spacing.
            •  salt: [ needs testing ] A number that assists in randomization; encounter salt (cryptography).

When the generator ID type is minecraft:debug (used for Debug world generation):

  •  generator: Generation settings used for the dimension.
    •  blazon: The ID of the generator (in this example, minecraft:debug).

Dimension type [ ]

Dimension types are stored as JSON files within a data pack, at the path information/<namespace>/dimension_type/<name>.json.

Syntax [ ]

  • The root
    •  name: The resource location used for the dimension type. Required only when importing world settings.
    •  ultrawarm: Whether the dimensions behaves like the nether (water evaporates and sponges dry) or non. As well lets stalactites drip lava and causes lava to spread faster and thinner.
    •  natural: When false, compasses spin randomly, and using a bed to ready the respawn point or sleep, is disabled. When true, nether portals can spawn zombified piglins.
    •  coordinate_scale: The multiplier applied to coordinates when leaving the dimension.
    •  has_skylight: Whether the dimension has skylight admission or not.
    •  has_ceiling: Whether the dimension has a bedrock ceiling or non.
    •  ambient_light: How much light the dimension has, default is 0.5 in the demo file (for upper and lower bounds every bit well as precise upshot[ needs testing ]).
    •  fixed_time (optional): Can be faux or any integer from 0 to 24000. If this is set to a number, the fourth dimension of the day is the specified value. Nonetheless, in at least some worlds,[ needs testing ] fake is interpreted as 0, giving abiding sunrise. To ensure a normal fourth dimension cycle, leave the attribute undefined (i.eastward, practise non include information technology).
    •  piglin_safe: Whether piglins shake and transform to zombified piglins.
    •  bed_works: When imitation, the bed blows upwardly when trying to slumber.
    •  respawn_anchor_works: Whether players can accuse and apply respawn anchors.
    •  has_raids: Whether players with the Bad Omen effect can cause a raid.
    •  logical_height: The maximum summit to which chorus fruits and nether portals can bring players within this dimension. This excludes portals that were already congenital above the limit every bit they nonetheless connect normally. May non be greater than height.
    •  min_y: The minimum acme in which blocks tin exist within this dimension. Should exist between -2032 and 2031 and be a multiple of 16 (effectively making 2016 the maximum). Setting it lower than -2048 will only allow the temporary placement of blocks below it as they won't be saved. Furthermore, lighting won't work correctly at Y-coordinate -2048 and below.[1]
    •  height: The total height in which blocks can exist within this dimension. Should be betwixt 0 and 4064 and be a multiple of 16. It can be set higher than the maximum by the same amount of temporary layers + 16. Max y = min y + pinnacle, and may not be more than 2032.
    •  infiniburn: A resource location defining what block tag to use for infiniburn.
    •  effects: Tin be "minecraft:overworld", "minecraft:the_nether" and "minecraft:the_end". Determines the dimension consequence used for this dimension. Setting to overworld makes the dimension have clouds, sun, stars and moon. Setting to the nether makes the dimension take thick fog blocking that sight, like to the nether. Setting to the end makes the dimension have dark spotted sky similar to the end, ignoring the sky and fog color. If undefined, the value will be automatically set to "minecraft:overworld".
Defaults [ ]

These are the settings used by the 3 dimensions present in Vanilla and the additional Overworld Caves settings provided by Minecraft.

History [ ]

Java Edition
1.16 Pre-release i Added dimension and dimension_type to data packs.
1.sixteen.2 20w29a The racket settings for custom dimensions take been moved from dimension to worldgen in data packs.
pre1 Custom dimensions now use the same folder pattern in information packs every bit other resource: namespace/<type>/resources.json.
pre2 The dimension type's  shrunk has been replaced with  coordinate_scale.
one.17 20w49a Added  min_y and  height to the dimension blazon.

Issues [ ]

Bug relating to "Dimension" or "Dimension type" are maintained on the bug tracker. Report issues there.

Notes [ ]

  1. Setting this to a number does non hateful i structure is generated this frequently, only that the game attempts to generate i; biomes or terrain could pb to the structure not being generated. The maximum distance of structure placement attempts is 2*spacing - separation.
  1. MC-194878


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